The 10 Customer Behavior Triggers Every Marketer Needs to Know - Nancy Harhut, HBT Marketing

Описание к видео The 10 Customer Behavior Triggers Every Marketer Needs to Know - Nancy Harhut, HBT Marketing

You want people to engage with your marketing. But science says that your customers and prospects are often on autopilot. They don’t “make” decisions, they default to automatic, reflexive, hardwired responses.Social scientists have documented 200+ of these decision defaults. And some of them can influence when people click, who they believe, and what they buy.Discover how to use them as triggers – and significantly increase the likelihood people will do exactly what you want. Easily add them to your emails, ads, landing pages, etc. And gain an instant competitive advantage.
Key Takeaways:
• Discover surprising ways to trigger hardwired human behaviors to get the digital behavior you want – automatically
• Find out which scientifically proven copy and design tactics make people open, read, click, and respond without thinking
• See numerous examples from different verticals and channels that demonstrate how you can easily add these tactics to your campaigns

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