OPM OLD NON-STOP (…LYRIC…)💖NON-STOP OLD LOVE SONGS 70S 80S 90S💖Dont Know What To Say Relax Love Song

Описание к видео OPM OLD NON-STOP (…LYRIC…)💖NON-STOP OLD LOVE SONGS 70S 80S 90S💖Dont Know What To Say Relax Love Song

The lyrics you share can be understood as an expression of silent feelings, emotional confusing and internal conflicts of a lover. This emotion takes place in the mind and heart of the lover, but it cannot be clearly and directly expressed. Here are some meanings that this song wants to convey:

1. They believe that one day the person they love will feel what they are experiencing, but that feeling is not clearly shown.

2. Lovers do not know how to say true feelings, even though they understand that their love may be a beautiful story if they can be shared.

3. Love and break up in a cycle is like a play, making emotions complicated and difficult to express.

Overall, this lyrics want to speak about romance, deep emotions but full of suffering and the indescribable description of a unrequited lover. They want their love to be responded but do not know how to share those emotions.
#classic #opm #70s80s90s


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