20Books Vegas 2021 Day 1 – Elana Johnson - Rapid Release Marketing

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Keywords: Keynote, Business

Speaker: Elana Johnson

Description: A Rapid Release marketing tactic is so much more than "publishing fast." At least it should be. I've done the publishing fast thing, and I expected to level up my income simply by having more books. All that did was trap me on a hamster wheel running at 105 mph and leaving me flat on my face - with the same amount of money coming in. Then, I got smarter, and I realized that Rapid Release is a marketing tactic, and if utilized as such, it can take you from one level to the next in your small, self-publishing business.

You can still be on the hamster wheel, but perhaps you'll be able to afford the Mach-R (Super-Charged Rodent) version, because your bottom line should increase with these marketing strategies inside your Rapid Release schedule.

Resources here: elanajohnson.com/rapidrelease

Presentation Notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/fo...

20Books Vegas 2021 Conference Presentation List https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/fo...

Disclaimer: The views of 20Books Vegas 2021 guest speakers are their views alone and do not represent the views of 20Booksto50k(R) or the conference or the conference organizers.

Bio: Elana Johnson

Seven-figure author, three-time USA Today bestselling author, and Top 10 Kindle All-Star author. Author of clean/sweet romance and women’s fiction, as well as non-fiction for other Indie authors.

Name pronounced: E-lay-nuh

🏖See my clean beach romance at www.elanajohnson.com

🐎See my Christian cowboy romance and family saga at www.lizisaacson.com

⛵️See my heartfelt women’s fiction at www.authorjessienewton.com

💡Authors: Join me for Indie Publishing tips, tricks, and inspiration on FB in my Indie Inspiration group: www.facebook/groups/indieinspiration

Read Craig Martelle's Successful Indie Author series:
SIA1 - https://geni.us/BecomeSuccessful
SIA2 - https://geni.us/ReleaseStrategies
SIA3 - https://geni.us/Collaborations
SAI4 - https://geni.us/WriteCompellingFiction
SIA5 - https://geni.us/PricingStrategies

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