"The Difference Between Us"

Описание к видео "The Difference Between Us"

Studying Sha’ar HaBitachon, Rabbeinu Bachaya's "Gate of Trust" ~ the Timeless Torah Tome that can teach US ALL How to Conquer Anxiety and Live with Tranquility!

This Episode opens the study of Chapter Five that focuses of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions.

Part One of this new chapter, aptly entitled "THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US" will begin to illustrate the practical differences between the person possessing Bitachon and the person who doesn’t by highlighted who remains calm, and maintains equilibrium in time good, and bad alike!

For although, everyone is required to invest in making a sincere effort either way, Rabbeinu Bachaya will nonetheless demonstrate how people who truly place their Trusts in G-d live and function in an entirely different fashion.

In this inaugural lesson, we embark on a seven-headed discovery of the sharp lines of distinction that emerge in real time living when we have Bitachon in Hashem.

This first segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" has been sponsored by Betty Fluss and Susan Burger to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of their father
Zvi Hersh Ben Yecheskel and Pearl. It comprises the 136th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!


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