Alwidai nazam 2023 - Dil Hai Ghamgeen - الوداعی ترانہ 2023Zubair Ahmad - JSM Releases

Описание к видео Alwidai nazam 2023 - Dil Hai Ghamgeen - الوداعی ترانہ 2023Zubair Ahmad - JSM Releases

Title : dil hai ghmgeen
Artist : Hafiz Zubair ahmed
Lyrics : Molana Abu Jafar India
Audio : Tsd
Video: Merciful nasheed
Production : JSM Releases


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All rights of the audio and video production is reserved for Jameatus Swalehat Maligon. Hence, it's not permissible to reuploading without our permission. However, you may share this production on Social Media Platform.

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