ATTD 2024 Symposium – Ypsomed

Описание к видео ATTD 2024 Symposium – Ypsomed

Ypsomed participated the ATTD in Florence from 6 to 9 March with a symposium and a stand at the exhibition.

The industry session about "Improving the lives of people with diabetes with mylife CamAPS FX automated insulin delivery" was chaired by Professor Roman Hovorka, developer of the mylife CamAPS FX app.

Dr. Emma Wilmot from the University of Nottingham, UK, showed in her talk how the hybrid closed-loop helps people with Type 1 diabetes to achieve better outcomes. "Towards simplification of meal management" was the topic of Professor Lia Bally from the University of Berne. In the SMASH study, she investigated whether the simplified estimation of the carbohydrate content of a meal (small, medium or large portion) can achieve a similar blood glucose control as the exact estimation. Professor Othmar Moser from the University of Bayreuth in Germany presented information about "Exercise with mylife CamAPS FX: from recommendations to individualised solutions".

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:50 Better outcomes for all living with Type 1 diabetes
00:21:20 Simplification of meal management
00:33:09 Exercise with mylife CamAPS FX
00:48:50 Q&A Session

More about mylife CamAPS FX:


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