MY first solo flight as a PPL student private pilot in a Cessna 172 from Duxford aerodrome, UK. Hi Guys, this is the main reason my channel has been quiet for a few months. I've been flat out on my channel @plumberparts, plus keeping my day job and dedicating a fair amount of time to learning to fly, and my wife! I've BLATANTLY got some things wrong in this video, so don't hate....I've only got 12 hours! Don't worry, I don't forget how to land! I also thought it would be a good idea to commentate over it to consolidate what I had learned! #LearnToFly #Vlogger #TimesWithJames #UKVloggerv #pplsolo #ppl


Main Vlog Camera - Canon 80d:
Main Vlog Lens - Canon 10-22mm EF-S:
Scene Vlog Lens - Canon 24-105mm L:
Vlog Mic - Rode VideoMic Pro+:
Zhiyan Crane 2 Gimbal:
NEW DRONE - DJI Mavic Pro 2:
OLD DRONE - Dji Mavic:
GoPro Hero 6:
Scene Camera - Sony AX100 4k:
VanGaurd Camera Travel Bag:

- [Voiceover] So then everyone you join me at Duxford Aerodrome I've just done an hour's lesson. I'm about 11 hours into my flying training now. We've just done a couple of practise force landings, a glide approach, a couple of standard landings and also a landing with an engine out when we're on the downwind. As you can see at the moment I'm just talking to Duxford information just getting the QFE and also the taxi information. I look calm and I'm writing stuff down and as you can hear they're reading stuff back and puttin' the QFE into the altimeter. I am literally crapping myself at the moment. I'll be totally honest with you. Fortunately though I love doing radio calls. I think it's a big thing about sort of flying is getting into that sort of thing, you know? And yet as you can see I'm sort of chattin' away just getting everything sorted and it was very nice, the Duxford guys were really, really good to us up in their little air traffic control bit. And this is them telling me that I'm gonna have to wait now, that I've been delayed taxiing. You're never gonna guess why.

- So this is my first solo, guys. I don't know if you can hear me but I'm about to taxi out but I have to wait because there's a tractor over there that's gotta do one standard circuit. Hopefully nothing bad's gonna happen. I've done this loads of times and yeah let's hope this goes well.

- [Voiceover] So there guys you can see the old tractor's coming into view now. Just gettin' in my way. As to be honest you can see how much I wanted to go because I pretty much didn't wait until he was clear of me. So yeah just fed a little bit of throttle in and when we come off the grass at Duxford onto the apron, what we want to do is try and come on in at a 45 degree angle because it can be a little bit of a drop here so you've just rather than go square to it and just drop down straight away. Yeah, you don't want to do that. Just to the left there is the old Dragon Rapide and that's outside the actual training school and also just got out of view there is our traffic control tower. If you look on the right, believe or not that's the Red Bull DC-3 Dakota that flew by my house a couple of days previously. Probably taxing a little bit quickly just purely 'cause I'm just, you know the adrenaline's rushing a little bit but I'm just looking forward to getting down to holding point alpha which is just 'round the corner up to my right. Gettin' ready to do my checks. If you look as well to the left you'll see hangar one just there in the distance, that's the big hanger. If any of you ever get a chance to go to Duxford it's an absolutely fantastic museum about aviation. Of course I'm seriously lucky to actually be flying here. A lot of people would kill to learn how to fly here and I haven't been doing it that long at Duxford. It's just one of those things. I'm lucky to live not all that far from Duxford. So yes, it's a real privilege, real privilege. So just pulling off the taxiway now. We didn't have a huge amount of wind today so usually I'll turn the plane into the wind just put the parking break on there and now I'm gonna go through my pre-flight checks. These are seriously important. So it's set in the revs here to 1200 RPM. And I'm tickin' 'em off. I've got to say guys I'm just now checking that the doors are okay and that both windows are okay. Ticking that off. Free and easy movement of the control services. So that's the ailerons and the elevators. They're okay. Just making sure that my compass is now lined up as well with my direction on the actual dashboard or the combing. Making sure as well just checking my QFE there, making sure that's okay and also my QNH as well. Just a bit further down and I'm ticking that off.


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