Mike Austin Compound Pivot - Weight Shift Explained

Описание к видео Mike Austin Compound Pivot - Weight Shift Explained

In this short video, golfers who know about the much superior Mike Austin Golf Swing Method (and for those who are not aware of him) it explains the key to the ``driving power`` of his swing concept - The Compound Pivot Weight Shift maneuver.

Many golfers who were introduced to the Mike Austin Golf Swing struggle with this important element of his swing method, and this video will help clarify visually how the lower body is used to create the rotational power at the shoulders - which act like the inner hub of a wheel.

The human body simply emulates a single axis Wheel Turning Machine similar to the Iron Byron golf machine; allowing for effortless power and consistent straight golf shots.

It's really important that the viewer watch this short video completely to fully grasp the weight shift concept - the light bulb will come on !! ``OK , I finally get it now``.

The WHEEL POWER Golf Swing is based upon Norm Rosen's interpretation of the much more advanced MIKE AUSTIN Golf Swing Method.

To watch the complete free 1 hour INTRODUCTION video, visit our website below for the video link.

If you enjoy the INTRODUCTION video, there is a follow-up 4 hour ADVANCED TRAINING video series.

Website: https://WheelPowerGolfSwing.com

#MikeAustin #MikeAustinPivot #CompoundPivot


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