How Bad Does it Need to Get Before the Second Coming - Agency is the Key

Описание к видео How Bad Does it Need to Get Before the Second Coming - Agency is the Key

One of the most common phrases I hear when people discuss the last days, world events, signs of the times or the 2nd coming is "how much worse can it get". Meaning they are looking around the world. Seeing all the sin, wickedness and abominations and wondering how much more wicked can it really get before the Lord comes down and destroys the evil doers and saves the righteous. What is the point in which God metaphorically "calls the game" and sends the savior to destroy the wicked? I've done other videos on the last days, and the signs of the times and that isn't what we are going to cover today. Today we are going to focus on how bad it needs to get before the 2nd coming and what that really means. But to understand that, we need to look at the environment that must exist for God to take the action to destroy wickedness. This is the purpose of this video.

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