Gopal Bhar (Bangla) - গোপাল ভার (Bengali) - Ep 248 - Surangopuri

Описание к видео Gopal Bhar (Bangla) - গোপাল ভার (Bengali) - Ep 248 - Surangopuri

Raja Krishnachandra decides to go on a secret visit to his province and he asks Gopal to accompany him. However, now the matter of concern is that in the absence of Raja Krishnachandra, who will run the province. Gopal has suggested Minister’s name but the King is not convinced with the Gopal’s proposal. And finally, Raja Krishnachandra decided upon queen’s name but this move of Krishnachandra was not taken in right taste by the minister! And he now wants to take a revenge from Gopal and the King! Want to know more? Then stay tuned in and find out here!

Gopal Bhar was a legendary court jester in medieval Bengal. He was in the court of Raja Krishnachandra, the famous king of Nadia in the 18th century AD. Such was the genius of Gopal that the King considered him as a Navaratna of his court. His statue can still be seen in the palace of Raja Krishnachandra. Stories about his exploits are narrated in Bengal to this day and are immortalized in countless short stories. The stories are short, beautiful, humorous and have a specific social message. Gopal Bhar is famous for stories of his wisdom, in which he outwits other fellow courtiers.

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