How to plan pregnancy if suffering fromback & stomach ache? - Dr. Teena S Thomas

Описание к видео How to plan pregnancy if suffering fromback & stomach ache? - Dr. Teena S Thomas

So back pain and stomach pain. We have to find the cause for this. Many women due to immobility, overweight, they land up with back pain, stomach pain, can be gastric or any other reason, so the first is to find out the cause of the back pain and the stomach pain and to treat it appropriately. If it is plain gastritis, then nothing. There can be causes for back appendicitis or ovarian cysts like ovarian cysts, Merkels diverticula, any conditions where you need a removal. So it basically does on what is the cost of this. So treat her abnormal pain and get it cured of her because in pregnancy, the gastritis is there e and she has to preequipped for this. X-rays, MRI etc are done to diagnose the cause of back pain. If there isb no organic problem found out, then basically the back pain can be due to immobility or obesity. So the back pain the patient would have been recommended certain drugs. It has to be incised before pregnancy because in pregnancy, there is release of relaxin hormone which relaxes the muscles and the bones of the joints, and relaxes the sine and also the muscle there. So these relaxation causes a lot of pain. So if there is back pain, it increases with pregnancy. So postures like lying down posture, hot water bags. These are all treatments for back pain and can be recommended for pregnancy. So basically rule out what it is and treated what it is and go ahead with proper counseling and support system for the pregnancy.


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