Antonio Bertali: Ciaccona - Voices of Music; Alana Youssefian, baroque violin. 4K UHD video

Описание к видео Antonio Bertali: Ciaccona - Voices of Music; Alana Youssefian, baroque violin. 4K UHD video

Antonio Bertali's freewheeling variations on a ground bass. Performed on original instruments by the Early Music ensemble Voices of Music. 4K, ultra high definition video from our Musical Crossroads concert, January, 2019.
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For this project, we carefully compared the the two original manuscript sources and made our own edition of the work.
Voices of Music
Hanneke van Proosdij and David Tayler, directors
Alana Youssefian, baroque violin
William Skeen, baroque cello
Hanneke van Proosdij, harpsichord
David Tayler, archlute
Baroque violin by Jason Viseltear, 2016, after Carlo Giuseppe Testore, Milan, at the sign of the eagle.
Italian single manual harpsichord by Johannes Klinkhamer, Amsterdam, 2000, after Cristofori, Florence, c1725
Baroque cello by Gianbattista Grancino, Milan, 1725
Archlute by Andreas von Holst, Munich, 2012,
after Magno Tieffenbrucker, Venice, c1610


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