Dressage Exercises To Help You Lengthen Your Leg In The Saddle

Описание к видео Dressage Exercises To Help You Lengthen Your Leg In The Saddle

In this video I share some dressage specific exercises to help you create longer legs in the saddle. Improving your dressage fitness off the horse is important as this can really help enhance how well you perform in the saddle.

You see when you look at professional riders they all have the appearance of leg longs in the stirrups, however for many this is really hard to achieve and often stiffness and tightness can shorten our leg position.

This video I share stretches to help you enhance your leg length when you are riding to allow your leg to naturally want to create length in the saddle.

So enjoy trying these exercises out to help you loosen and lengthen your leg in the saddle.

To learn more about rider fitness, core workouts, dressage specific stretches and exercises to help you become a better rider, download our free guide -

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