CURRENCY COUNTER with FAKE NOTE DETECTION/Money/Cash/Note Counting Machine

Описание к видео CURRENCY COUNTER with FAKE NOTE DETECTION/Money/Cash/Note Counting Machine

Loose note counting machine for shops and offices. Save a lot of time with accurate and fast counting. Can detect fake notes and Pre 2005 notes as well.

Functions and Features:
1)Fast and accurate counting with a speed of more than 1000 notes/min
2)Fake note detection with UV,MG,
3)IR technology for double or half notes
4)Automatic start,stop and clearing
5)Batching - If you want the notes to be counted in batches for eg 5,10,15
6)Adding - machine will keeping adding the number of notes
7) Double note detection
9) Half note detection
10)Has a handle for easy lifting
11)Easy to maintain

New and Original Product: 1 year Warranty
Fast Shipping: Urgent Delivery Option Available Currency Counting Machine: Fake Note Detection
MONEY COUNTER: MONEY COUNTER MACHINE Money Counting Machine: Fake Note Detection with UV,MG
CASH COUNTER: CASH COUNTER MACHINE Note Counting Machine: Add and Batch Function
CURRENCY COUNTER: CURRENCY COUNTER MACHINE Cash Counting Machine: IR for Double and Half Note Detection
BANK NOTE COUNTER: MONEY COUNT MACHINE Bank Note Counting Machine: Counting Speed of more than 1000 notes/min
MONEY COUNTERS: CURRENCY COUNTERS Free Customer Display: Free Cleaning Brush


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