Infinity Team on a Budget? Does it work? | Raid Shadow Legends

Описание к видео Infinity Team on a Budget? Does it work? | Raid Shadow Legends

Infinity Team on a Budget? Does it work? | Raid Shadow Legends

These Infinity Teams are pretty amazing - to the tune of a New World Record by VictorTES of over 500 million! But that doesn't mean its attainable for everyone. So I ran my team - a budget infinity version - for about 2 weeks. The results were...underwhelming. But it's still a fun team with lots of potential! Figured always fun watching Corpulent Cadaver hit for crazy damage with massive shields thanks to buff extenders and Underpriest Brogni's crazy shields!
Here's the link to the comp:

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🤠Intro Music: Cantina Blues by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

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