GH 06-03-82 Full Episode - Part 2

Описание к видео GH 06-03-82 Full Episode - Part 2

Aired Thursday, June 3, 1982
Cynthia shouts accusations at Dr Katz in front of the hospital staff. Dr Katz let's Heather know that she's behind it. Edward and Randall can't locate Alan. Monica tries to pump Susan's nanny for information on Susan's location. She finds what she was looking for and leaves. The two of them swap gossip over the women in Alan's life. (Love this scene! LOL). Monica gets word to "Dr. Donald Rafelman" (A.K.A Alan) on the SS Serendipity! Heather tries to keep the disturbance between Cynthia and Dr Katz in the front of everyone's minds. Jessie hits the nail on the head with her words of wisdom. "Very often, they turn on the one person who could help them."...(Are you listening, Heather??). Edward gets to Alan before Monica does. (I loved David Lewis!! :) Lee & Gail join Noah & Anne for a bon voyage lunch. Monica tells Scotty what she wants to do with her new-found dirt on Alan. Heather makes her next move with Cynthia.


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