DDLC but Yuri is the President | DDLC Mod

Описание к видео DDLC but Yuri is the President | DDLC Mod

This is a Doki Doki Literature Club Mod that is not affiliated with Team Salvato. It is designed to be played / seen only after the official game has been completed. You can download Doki Doki Literature Club at: http://ddlc.moe



Long Hair Natsuki: RedMorgan


Thanks from the bottom of my heart to my Members for their support and generosity:

Donovan - 29 Months
Pedro Fernandes - 29 Months
Azoth - 27 Months
tsukineko - 29 Months
DressyPrism - 24 Months
DogeMaster217 - 26 Months
DragonautX - 7 Months
Christopher Barrow - 1 Month

And all former Members!

Thanks for watching. More DDLC Mods in my channel.


Информация по комментариям в разработке