Easy FFVII Rebirth Gears and Gambits Stage 4 Hard

Описание к видео Easy FFVII Rebirth Gears and Gambits Stage 4 Hard

Use T2 or T3 Robot
Elementary Weakness: Priority Firaga Shot with the additional modifier set as hp less than 50%
Elementary Weakness: Priority Blizzaga Shot with the additional modifier set as hp less than 50%
Elementary Weakness: Priority Thundaga Shot with the additional modifier set as hp less than 50%
Self: Modify HP & Cost: HP @150 +150

Use the Defensive Loadoat

Move to the lane on the left when you start and wait until you hit 40 points.
Spam your robot, you should be able to do 5. Make sure that all 5 of the robots get hit by the bosse's blizzaga.
Use regen after they get hit and pop the barrier right away to survive the next attacks.


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