Why Diamonds Are A Scam

Описание к видео Why Diamonds Are A Scam

Fuck diamonds man, shit's overhyped and overpriced. Poor men having to splash out all that cash on one. That's bullshit man. So lemme help my fellow men out and save them a mini-fortune on proposing.

► NU MERCH! - https://gradeaundera.store

► here are some of my links, follow me on them if you want
• Discord - https://goo.gl/wHtdvF
• Twitter - https://goo.gl/Md6ptW
• Instagram - https://goo.gl/JFGmcH
• Twitch - https://goo.gl/HQqAEz
• 2nd channel - https://goo.gl/7XPDGX

► my specs
• 2x Intel Core i9
• 69GB DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) SDRAM
• 316TB 42000RPM HHD
• 48x speed CD-ROM Drive
• Super Nintendo
• Potato HD Camera

Much love to my Patreon supporters. You guys are Metal Gear Solid (just the original the others are too much), Super Metroid and Mario Party all rolled into one.
Andy, Reilly S, Prithvi S, Vee T, DXWarlock, Enis The Devilishly Handsome Sparkly Vampire, TiraGenocide, Jesse J, Dana, Corey D, Lili D and Kevin R


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