GAME OVER | Short Fantasy Film

Описание к видео GAME OVER | Short Fantasy Film

The final Boss in the game must be defeated... but what happens after the game is done?

Rima, Knight of the Ashen Fields, has travelled through the land defeating its enemies. Now, he faces his final foe... Torcor of the Seven Hells. Can he defeat him? And what will happen if he does?

'Game Over' was shot entirely inside a green screen studio. With support from Mo-Sys Engineering Ltd. we were able to film this in real-time using Unreal Engine and the Mo-Sys StarTracker. We had a 9 person crew, and 2 cast members, and created this on a budget of £240 and favours. The estimated budget for this, should everyone had been paid, is approximately £45,000.

We developed a novel, cutting edge workflow that allowed us to finish all post-production on this film in just over 4 weeks. We edited the film inside of Davinci Resolve, and used Davinci Fusion for all compositing. Any 3D magic VFX were created inside of Blender, and used both Eevee and Cycles for rendering different passes.

Edited by Kieran Lowley and Isobel Drane
VFX by Kieran Lowley


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