SCS - A Minute with Miranda - Why you need an ESD Worksurface Mat

Описание к видео SCS - A Minute with Miranda - Why you need an ESD Worksurface Mat

Welcome back to "A Minute with Miranda." This week we will be covering ESD Worksurface Mats.

SCS worksurface mats serve two purposes for an ESD worksurface in an EPA. To provide a surface that does not generate a static charge and to remove charges from all charged conductors, which include ESD susceptible devices and assemblies, that are placed on the surface.

SCS worksurface mats are constructed from either dissipative 2 layer rubber or 3 layer vinyl material and are available in both rolls and mat kits. We can also quote custom sizes

SCS worksurface mats meet ANSI/ESD STM4.1 ANSI/ESD S20.20 required limit of 1 x 10E6 to less than 1 x 10E9 ohms for Rtt and Rtg and the recommendations of ANSI/ESD S4.1

View all SCS Static Worksurface mat offerings:


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