STALKER GAMMA - Aiming Movement Redux - RELEASE

Описание к видео STALKER GAMMA - Aiming Movement Redux - RELEASE


- Okay, so firstly, thanks for using my mod, it took a good week of discovering the values to tweak, then understanding said values as there isn't really any guide for this, I just learnt by putting in extremes and seeing what happened. This really is a labour of love and I hope you enjoy it and it brings you as much immersion as it does me.

- Secondly, I personally will not be patching this for the full anomaly, but, the legwork of working out the values and tweaking them to look right is done. The readme contains a decent set of instructions that are pretty foolproof so anyone can easily patch any additional weapons.


every weapon and class according to barrel size and weight have been given their own sway and movement values, tested every class by hand, with a variety of scopes.

You may find a couple of scopes may run slightly wider than anticipated, but should be within a margin of error. pistols for example were quite tricky as playing with one set of values can throw off the movement intended and I didn't want to make all the guns super rigid, but, I still believe this is far better than vanilla.

Any reports of any bugs, please let me know on Discord, Just search GRIZZY on GAMMA discord.

Again, Thankyou!


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