Angol gyerekdal - Move Your Body (Totyizselé)

Описание к видео Angol gyerekdal - Move Your Body (Totyizselé)

Tanuljátok a testrészeket angolul és táncoljatok-énekeljetek velünk!
Learn the parts of the body and dance-sing with us!

Move your body, jump up and down,
Raise your hands then spin around,
Show me the parts of your body now,
Clap your hands and take a bow!

Show me your head, let's see your eyes,
Your nose under them and your mouth with a smile,
Your teeth shining bright and your ears on the sides,
Your hair on the top and your arms hanging down.

Move your body...

Sh-sh-sh-shake your hands and your fingers now,
Tap your belly, show me where your legs are,
Your knees in the middle and your toes sticking out,
This is your body let's sing it out loud!

Move your body...

Let's see those body parts again:
Head, eyes, nose and mouth,
Teeth, ears, hair and arms,
Hands, fingers, belly and legs,
Knees and toes, your body never rests!

Move your body...


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