The Age of industrialisation: Before the Industrial Revolution (hindi)

Описание к видео The Age of industrialisation: Before the Industrial Revolution (hindi)

Class 10 History
Playlist link    • Class 10: History  

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Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
0.Introduction    • History | Class-10 | Chapter-1 | Rise...  
1.The french revolution and the idea of the nation    • History | Class-10 | Chapter-1 | Rise...  
2.The making of nationalism in europe

Chapter 5 The age of industrialisation
0.Introduction    • The Age of industrialisation: Introdu...  
1.Before the industrial revolution    • The Age of industrialisation: Before ...  
2.Hand labour and steam power    • The Age of Industrialisation: Hand La...  
3.Industrialisation in colonies    • Industrialisation in Colonies  
4. Factories come up    • Factories come up  

Class 10 political science
Playlist link    • Class 10 Civics  


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