20047 SER2 - Practical I2C: Introduction, Implementation and Troubleshooting

Описание к видео 20047 SER2 - Practical I2C: Introduction, Implementation and Troubleshooting

"Why am I not receiving an acknowledge from my slave device?" "Help! I cannot write to my I2C EEPROM." "I always read 0xFF. What is wrong?" These are some of the comments we hear and this class will provide useful insights about I2C. It will start with an I2C introduction and key concepts, continue with configuring the PIC® Microcontroller as an I2C Master or Slave, and end with demos showing common I2C communications failures and how to troubleshoot them. This class is recommended for anyone using I2C, planning to use I2C or who just wants to learn more about I2C.



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