Razer Horseshoe Shaping Video for Standardbreds

Описание к видео Razer Horseshoe Shaping Video for Standardbreds

Jimmy Takter interview with Conny Svensson shoeing a Uncle Peter, a world record holding Standardbred trotter.

Razer shoes are crafted from tempered tool steel and allow the horse's foot to flex like a bare foot, while offering the traction and wear protection of a shoe.

Razer benefits include:
- Reduced strain on joints
- Increased balance and confidence
- Enhanced traction with a smooth glide upon landing

Razers are a specialty shoe that were originally developed for Standardbreds in Sweden, where their popularity sky-rocketed. They were introduced in the United States in 2013.

Visit www.razerhorse.com for more info and like us at www.facebook.com/razerhorse.


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