How To Actually Make Billions At The Tombs of Amascut [OSRS]

Описание к видео How To Actually Make Billions At The Tombs of Amascut [OSRS]

There are a ton of great guides on OSRS' third raid, the tombs of amascut (TOA). In this video I will go some of the best ways that I have found to maximize your profit at TOA. The OSRS Toa guide is not for beginners, and it assumes that you have a basic understanding of how to do the tombs of amascut in Oldschool Runescape. Did I get enough keywords in here? OSRS, runescape, tombs of amascut guide. there we go.

Anyways the money making guide is broken into a few sections. General concepts, invocations, and room by room tips to speed your raid up.

I have started another youtube channel where I'm making content similar to the content on this channel, but for other games. Currently I have a couple of videos up about fallout. If you're into that type of thing, or you just like hearing me yap about stuff, please check it out.

   / @patyfatycake_irl  

00:00 Introduction
00:27 Loot Explaination
01:26 How Loot Is Determined
02:50 Invocation Analysis
12:24 Sample Invocation loadouts (150)
13:16 Sample Loadout 300 - 350
14:07 Sample Loadout 425
14:30 Glue-eater 500 Loadout
15:07 Gearing Basics
15:45 Special Attack Weapons
16:26 Baba
19:08 Kephri
20:30 Akkha
21:56 Zebak
22:18 Wardens
24:42 Final Thoughts

#osrs #runescape #oldschoolrunescape


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