Spelunky 2 - Daily Challenge - 2024-06-29

Описание к видео Spelunky 2 - Daily Challenge - 2024-06-29

I've only done some daily runs this year. No normal runs.
It shows in stuff like this 0:06. Warm up runs would help a lot.

I've also played so little of this lately that I have to check stuff like the characters aligment at 30:10 for the Ankh skip.
I paused the game to check it at 29:52. I do remember 2 ways to do it without Pitcher's Mitt. And easiest is with paste.
I couldn't figure out what I did wrong until I checked the footage.
This character's hands just look different. I probably should have been one to the left from where I was when placing the bombs at 30:10.

I mentioned on my previous video's description that I wouldn't aim for Cosmic Ocean because of recording problems Xbox has had since an April update.
I tried a new method where I switch the capture location hard drive between each recording segment.
Nothing got corrupted on this run, but it seems like the problem still exists.
When I stop recording and it doesn't give me the "game clip created"(or whatever it says) message. That's when the problems usually start. And that happened right after this run.
I'll still give it a shot until it goes all wrong like my previous 7-99 run.

Daily challenge for Saturday 2024-06-29.

All my daily challenge stats:

Played and recorded on Xbox Series X.


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