From Aicha Drame with Love | 'Delayed obedience is a form of disobedience to God.'

Описание к видео From Aicha Drame with Love | 'Delayed obedience is a form of disobedience to God.'

Dear fear,

This conversation with Aicha on purpose, truly highlighted that every aspect of our lives is intentional. Everything that we experience and even at times control, is for this very moment. I learned that your attempts to haunt and distract us truly reveal that you are, in fact, afraid of who we are called to be. You fear our abilities, you fear our impact, and most importantly, you fear our destiny. When God placed me on this earth, He placed something on the inside of me, something that must be birthed, whether you are present for it or not. For many years, the doubtful thoughts you have planted in my mind has crippled me into believing that I am inadequate, undeserving, and incapable. But today, I face you and remind you that my God has equipped me for a great calling. You have no authority over my life or my destiny and you have no control over where I am going or how I will get there. Despite the damage and delay you have caused in my life, I thank you. For your presence is a reminder that I am truly greater than I thought and that I am more than capable of fulfilling destiny. You remind me that my God has specifically selected me for a reason. And despite your efforts to hinder me, God's will shall be done.



This episode is dedicated to those who struggle with fear and identifying the voice of God, especially when it comes to their purpose. Aicha shared with us intimate parts of her life along with some obstacles she had to overcome to get to where she is today. Wearing her many hats, Aicha is determined to reflect God in all her ways especially through her social media platforms. This conversation is definitely one that carries healing, wisdom and so much more. We truly hope that this blesses you as much as it has blessed us.

Host: Raquel Pindi

Guest: Aicha Drame

Music: AP


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