How to Influence People by Appealing to their Emotion

Описание к видео How to Influence People by Appealing to their Emotion

Nobody ever makes a decision on the facts alone. We make our choices based on emotions, and then use the facts to justify our decision… to others and to ourselves. So, how can you influence people by appealing to emotion?

Watching this video is worth 2 Management Courses CPD Points*.
🔎 See below for details

Influencing and Persuading
This video is part of course module number 2.6.1
Program 2: Manager as Communicator
Course 6: Influencing and Persuading
Section 1: Basics of Influence and Persuasion

Other videos in this section include:
🎬 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Influence and Persuasion    • The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: the ...  
🎬 The Core of Influence & Persuasion: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos - Character, Reason, and Emotion    • The Core of Influence & Persuasion: E...  
🎬 Ethos: the Importance of Character in Influence & Persuasion    • Ethos: the Importance of Character in...  
🎬 Appearance Matters in Influence & Persuasion    • Appearance Matters in Influence & Per...  
🎬 How to Influence by Making People Feel Good    • How to Influence by Making People Fee...  
🎬 How to Use Your Authority to Influence & Persuade    • How to Use Your Authority to Influenc...  
🎬 How to Build Trust. And Why it Matters in Influence & Persuasion    • How to Build Trust. And Why it Matter...  
🎬 How to Use Reason and Logic in Influence & Persuasion    • How to Use Reason and Logic in Influe...  
🎬 Tit-for-Tat: How to Influence with Reciprocation    • Tit-for-Tat: How to  Influence with R...  
🎬 Matching & Mirroring: How to Influence by Building Rapport    • Matching & Mirroring: How to Influenc...  
🎬 KISS: Keep It Short & Simple when You Want to Influence & Persuade    • KISS: Keep It Short & Simple when You...  

First, you need to select the emotion to appeal to.
Appropriate emotions are:
• Fear
• Awe and wonder
• Desire and pleasure
• Loyalty and duty
• Love and compassion
• A sense of fairness and justice

1. Over the next two weeks, make a conscious effort to build an appeal to emotion into your influence and persuasion. At the end of the two weeks, reflect on what you tried, how well it worked, and what you have learned. (6 MC CPD Points)

Free Resources
🧰 CPD Tools -
Paid resources
🧳 Management Courses Onboarding Kit - ($3)

📖 My own book on Influence (introductory level)
How to Influence in Any Situation (Brilliant Influence 2nd Ed)
📖 Excellent books at a more advanced level
Influence: Science and Practice (a classic)
Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change
The Influence Agenda (for Stakeholder Engagement)
Methods of Persuasion
5 Paths to Persuasion

⭕️ Links to our book recommendations are affiliated through Amazon

Managers Need a Basic set of kit to do your job well. Here are my top recommendations: (the links are affiliated)

You can record your Management Courses CPD points on our free, downloadable CPD record log.
📓 Download it at:
Each video has two levels of MC CPD points. For this video:
If you simply watched the video, record 2 MC CPD points
If you also carried out all of the recommended exercises, score a total of 8 MC CPD points

00:00 - How can you influence people by appealing to their emotions
00:28 - The emotions we can appeal to
00:50 - Influence by appeal to fear
01:22 - Influence by appeal to awe and wonder
01:53 - Influence by appeal to desire and pleasure
02:42 - Influence by appeal to duty and loyalty
03:42 - Influence by appeal to love and compassion
04:18 - Influence by appeal to fairness and justice
04:55 - Conclusion: Appeals to Emotions

#influence #ManagementCourses #emotion


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