縄張りは警戒しましゅ!! Don't invade my territory!!

Описание к видео 縄張りは警戒しましゅ!! Don't invade my territory!!


Recently, Hamuko has been acting strangely at night. When a family member tries to go out of the living room to go to bed at night, Hamuko will suddenly chase after them at great speed and go into the hallway before the family. In fact, there are various theories, including that the hallway is their territory, that they follow their family because they want to sleep in the same room, and that they are lonely in the living room, but realistically I think they are hunting for food. It's surprisingly annoying because it chases me every time I try to go to a different room from the living room (it even follows me to the bathroom). (by google)

#一緒 #早い #元気 #可愛い #ペット #ハムスター
#chase #play #cute #pretty #hamster


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