Racism under Atatürk | Part 2

Описание к видео Racism under Atatürk | Part 2

Mustafa Kemal, "Atatürk" - the founding father of the Republic of Turkey, is often praised for "saving" Turkey, although he exploited different minorities in the wars against the allied forces. As Ismet Inönu (2nd Leader of Turkey) says: The Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 was achieved by the concept of "We Turks and Kurds." [0]

This understanding enabled the Turkish leadership to have their national claims accepted by the West. However, after the establishment and recognition of the Republic of Turkey, the secular government of "Atatürk" initiated fascist and assimilation policies towards the non-Turkish Muslim minorities, and they strove towards developing the denial of Kurdish existence as one of the new state's basic tenets.

The Ottoman Empire, which had for centuries been a safe haven for Jews and Christians, had suddenly, with the newly established secular Republic, turned into a hostile homeland even for Muslims. The Kurds had been the most prominent Muslim minority and an integral part of the Ottoman Empire. Despite this, the Kurds were not spared from the Kemalists' oppression and genocides.

This video will introduce the mindset of how Atatürk and his regime's racist ideology would affect the Kurds and other minorities. Racism under Atatürk!

0. İsmet İnönü, a.g.e. s. 202 Ayrıca bk. Lozan Görüşmeleri, Tutanaklar, Belgeler, Takım 1 Cilt I Kitap 1 Çev. Seha L. Meray, Önsöz: İsmet İnönü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Yayını Ankara 1969 s. 342-375
1. Middle Eastern Studies, 35: 4, page 2
2. Excerpts from Ulug Igdemir, Atatürk'ün Yaşami [Atatürk's Life], Türk Tarih Kurumu. Ankara, 1980, p.79-87, which in itself is the first reference.
3. Andrew Mango, “Atatürk and the Kurds,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.35 No:4 (1999), pp. 1-25
4. Izzettin Çalişlar, Atatürk 'le Ikibuçuk Yil [Two and a half years with Atatürk], Istanbul, 1993. pp.102 and 134).
5. Andrew Mango Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 1-25
6. Mango. Quoted by Masami Arai, Turkish Nationalism in the Young Turk Era (Leiden, 1992), p.3)
7. "World Language Atlas." UNESCO. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
8. 27 Nisan 1925 tarihli Vakit gazetesinden aktaran Ahmet Yıldız, Ne Mutlu Türküm Diyebilene”, (İstanbul: İletişim, 2007), 155-156.
9. Beşikçi, Ismail. Devletlerelasi Sömurge Kurdistan - International Colony Kurdistan p.43 from the English version
10. Ahmad 22978 and authentic according to al-Albani.

1. Although Mustafa Kemal is widely accepted among Turks for having Atatürk (Father of the Turks) as his title, we are aware that not all Turks recognize him like that or agree. For the sake of the video flow, we chose to use his "nickname" instead of writing / saying his full one on every occasion. We apologize if this has offended our Turkish viewers.

2. We don't take credit for any of the photos that's been used: all photos are from public sources. Do you recognize your photo? Contact us, and we'll give credit + add your tag!



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