Decolonize Your Mind: 3 Ways White Supremacy Manifests & How to Achieve Psychological Liberation

Описание к видео Decolonize Your Mind: 3 Ways White Supremacy Manifests & How to Achieve Psychological Liberation

Hi, it's Bri! As some of you know- I'm a 1st year Ph.D. student in Counseling Psychology and I make videos on mental health topics that are particularly relevant to those with marginalized identities. I'm here with 3 ways our minds have been colonized and what we can do about it! Let's get liberated!

My passion is rooted in decolonizing minds drawing from liberation and ethnopolitical psychology and philosophy to free our ways of thinking so that we do not succumb to mental slavery and continue to dream and actualize.

This starts with the acknowledgment of the colonial mentality and education on how it may manifest. A colonial mentality (or a colonized mind) is basically the internalized cultural, racial, and/or ethnic inferiority that we, as people with marginalized identities may adopt due to the colonization of our people by another group. In this case, I'm talking [mostly] about White supremacy.

Colonized minds are often hard for us to spot because they often operate unconsciously and subconsciously and are reinforced by the sociopolitical landscape and institutional structure of our society. The main idea is that while physical imperialism ended centuries ago, mental colonization continues in the present moment.

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Twitter: @BriannaABaker
Instagram: @The_Brianna


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