Allah ki lanat kis per? - Aasaan Quran ki Tafseer - Shaikh Sanaullah Madani - Darul Huda

Описание к видео Allah ki lanat kis per? - Aasaan Quran ki Tafseer - Shaikh Sanaullah Madani - Darul Huda

Ep: 12 - Allah ki lanat kis per? - Surah Baqarah - Aayaat 87 to 96 - Ruku 11
Series : Aasaan Quran ki Tafseer
Speaker : Shaikh Sanaullah Madani
Series by : Darul Huda Udupi Productions

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#DarulHuda #AasaanQurankiTafseer #shaikhsanaullahmadni #Adam #Salah #Sajdah


Haamidan Wa Musalliyan!

DAR-UL-HUDA Guidance Centre is a cultural, social and educational institution. It also works for strengthening inter-faith brotherhood & humanity.

DAR-UL-HUDA also works to correct the Aqeedah of Muslims.

A Few CORE Objectives of DAR-UL-HUDA are, to:

Spread the message of Kitab & Sunnah
Teach Arabic, Hifz (Qur’an Memorisation)
Hold ONLINE Quiz Competitions
Clarify misconceptions about Islam and to spread peace
Collaborate with other Islamic Organisations
Hold Educational & Tarbiya programmes for Imams, Khateebs and Da’ees
Translate and Distribute Islamic Works in local languages
Distribute the Qur’an


Free Ambulance Service For All
Prayer Hall, and Library
Exhibition Hall called The Prophet of Mercy - to introduce to the world his glorious teachings
Annual Summer Course (Girls)

DAR-UL-HUDA plans to Start a:

Clothes Bank
Bore-well Project
Satellite Channel, and much more

Please donate generously.


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