Motives of Prosocial behavior | Why people Help? | Prosocial behavior in Hindi-Urdu | Ahsan Iqbal

Описание к видео Motives of Prosocial behavior | Why people Help? | Prosocial behavior in Hindi-Urdu | Ahsan Iqbal

Motives of Prosocial behavior | Why people Help? | Prosocial behavior in Hindi-Urdu | Ahsan Iqbal @user-xr3ys5kx4e
Today we will talk about why people help others?, What are motives to help others? Personal factors, and situational factors that influence Prosocial behavior.

Many factors play a role in determining whether and to what extent , specific people engage in helping others.
several aspects of the situation are important : like personal factors and Social and situational factors:
Sometimes it depends on our mood we help others or not, if we are happy more chances are we will help others but if we sad sad may be it will decrease chances of helping others.
Social and situational factors are very important , it depend on situation either we will help others or not , we will discuss 6 social and situational factors inn this video :
Interpretation of others’ needs
The relationship to others
Reciprocal altruism
the numbers of bystanders
the normative pressure to help
evaluation of cost to help.Prosocial behavior are those intended to help others . these actions are characterized by a concern for the right, feelings and welfares of other people. in which we see others problems as our own: empathy. when we perceive others problem as our own , our chances to help others increase.
For example if we see a person got injured , and if we see it as what if it happen to us, we will help him. i.e How well we understand the need of others our chances to help them increase.
If a person who is need and we know him, he is our relative or friend our chances of helping him will be increases. we help more to our relative and friends as compare to strangers . we will discuss it in detail in another video . Kin selection theory.
reciprocal altruism
In which we help others without any intentions of getting some benifits in return from that person . our pure intentions are helping others. but sometime we think that if we help him we will get help from another way.
The inhibiting influence of the presence of others on a person’s willingness to help someone in need . . moreover the number of others are imortant, such that if more people are present at the oncident there are less chances of assistance , although the impact of each additional bystander has a diminishing impact on helping . we think if If I don’t help other will. for example if we see an accident and many people are present there we think other will help them, it is called bystander effect. but if no one is present at incident our tendency to help others increase.
we help others because we have some norms of society , we want others accept us , we have a respect in our society. if we will help others our relationship become strong . other will help us when we will in difficulty . People who belongs to a society , have good relationship with society they have high self esteem, and more prosocial , less depression and anxiety and less involve in criminal activities and disruptive behavior.
Sometime we evaluate, if we help other what will we get in return, is there ou benifit or not , it called cost benifits analysis.
If I help other what will I get in return?
For example If I help a poor , people will appreciate me , if I’m a polititian people will like me and vote me in Election.
when we think such things before helping others , it is called evaluation of cost to help.
These were some motives to help other. or become prosocial.
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