Ли Мин Хо признается в любви. Это Сон Хе Гё, Гу Хе Сон или Ким Го Ын?

Описание к видео Ли Мин Хо признается в любви. Это Сон Хе Гё, Гу Хе Сон или Ким Го Ын?

Lee Min Ho confesses to being in love. Is it Song Hye Kyo, Goo Hye Sun, or Kim Go Eun?
South Korean actor Lee Min Ho has left many fans on the edge of their seats with a noteworthy statement. Many believe that he has admitted to being in love, and some speculate that the possible candidate for his affections might be Goo Hye Sun. So, let's delve into the specific details of Lee Min Ho's confession and what led the online community to such speculations. Thank For Watching!


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