Демидково. Создаем Пермский рай вместе.

Описание к видео Демидково. Создаем Пермский рай вместе.

Kama is an ancient river with a long history that gives life. In 1962, 40 km from Perm, geologists were looking for oil among the pines, but found mineral water. On the coast of the Kama Sea, the era of departmental health resorts and trade union vouchers begins, Polazna becomes one of the best places for rest and recreation in Prikamye. In 2004, there is a complete reimagining of the resort, new buildings and guest houses are growing, investments in infrastructure are beginning, aimed at providing modern recreation technologies. The territory becomes a venue for regional and international forums, cultural and business events. And if on the left bank of the Kama river they said: "Happiness is not far off", so in Demidkovo they confidently answered: "Happiness is here." Demidkovo receives about 30,000 tourists a year, 35% of whom are residents of other regions of Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. 350,000 Perm residents daily choose Demidkovo Park as a place for walks and recreation by the river. Despite the technological revolution, human is getting closer to nature. This creates new requirements for the quality of life and rest from everyday work. Today, the stage of transformation of the sanatorium into a new generation eco-cluster has been launched - into a modern country hotel with 250 beds. Multidirectional wellness programs for a wide audience, energy-efficient spaces and infrastructure aimed at comfortable rest and recovery.
The dream of creating a new quality of life leads us to the integrated development of the area around Demidkovo. Ecopolis will become a popular territory among residents of the Perm Territory and nearby regions: new jobs, taxes, loading of social institutions and services; creation of a fundamentally new infrastructure and management model; construction of multi-format housing: houses, townhouses and apartments; infrastructure for business development: coworking, conference halls and a campus for IT companies and, most importantly, an ultra-modern multifunctional sports and educational cluster with a convenient and comfortable hotel.
Thanks to the "smart home" and "smart city" systems, maximum security will be ensured. On the territory of the Perm Region there will be the first national park for guests from all over Russia. Forests and the coastal strip will be a great place for reflection, reboot and outdoor activities.
The proximity to Perm will allow to organize an uninterrupted and comfortable transfer of guests directly from the airport and railway station, as well as develop active shipping from Perm to Demidkovo, Khokhlovka, Dobryanka and Usolye. The flow of tourists from all regions of Russia to Demidkovo will grow to 50,000 people by 2024. Demidkovo will become a tourist pearl at the federal level, a point of growth for the entire Volga Federal District.
We are creating the Perm region together.
Demidkovo: happiness is here.


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