The Cliffhangers by SABIN IQBAL

Описание к видео The Cliffhangers by SABIN IQBAL

#sathishmanjitha #thecliffhangers #sabiniqbal #indianwriers #bookreview #booktube #novels #Moosa #loveforbooks #varkala #mustread #loveforrRading


A slim book Carrie's a bold and true narrative of a four men gang named 'The Cliffhangers ' Moosa age 19 narrates the story of the land and life
set in the beautiful town of Varkal, the writing brings out the essence of the beach, the cliff, the Hindu and Muslim neighborhoods along with the Cliffhangers ambition to learn English from the foreign tourists.
opening with the Susan a foreign tourist , rape on the new year eve, the plot brings in the politics, religious discrimination, cast suppression and the fascist government
The joinery with Moosa is amazing, the words makes us to carry his love, guilt, angry sympathy and more.
After you red it, there is a urge in you to see the landscape and the characters, no wonder you'll make a detour to Varkala

Simple and Beautiful, a must red debut from Sabin Iqbal

The Cliffhangers; Sabin Iqbal, Aleph Book Company


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