My Spider Friend - Steatoda Grossa - Cupboard Spider - False Black Widow Spider

Описание к видео My Spider Friend - Steatoda Grossa - Cupboard Spider - False Black Widow Spider

I'd like to introduce you to my Little Spider Friend. I forgot to say in the video I named her Trixie.

For safety reasons:
Please use your own discretion picking up a Spider your not familiar with. Try to get a proper ID. Otherwise do not pick up a Spider you don't know if its venomous/poisonous. If you do get bitten and are in doubt of the species seek medical attention.

The Abdomen is about 1/8" wide and the length side to side - front leg to back leg 3/8".

It took me awhile to Identify this Spider. I met a Lady who helped me.
She is a Steatoda Grossa ~ Cupboard Spider AKA: False Dark Willow Spider, False Black Widow Spider, Darlcomb Spider, Cupboard Spider, False Button Spider, Cobweb Spider, Cob Web Spider, Comb-footed Spider, Tangle-web Spider, Gumfoot-web Spider ~ Trixie is Female.

It is a cosmopolitan species found in many parts of the world, including North America, Australasia, and Europe. As two of this spider's common names indicate, the spider superficially resembles, and is frequently confused for, the black widow and other venomous spiders in the genus Latrodectus.

Is a Steatoda Grossa ~ False Widow harmless?
It is a moderately medically significant spider, with most bites resulting in symptoms similar to a bee or wasp sting. Some bites may cause more significant harm, partly due to pathogenic bacteria from the spiders.

Are Steatoda Grossa ~ False Black Widow Spiders poisonous?
False Black Widow Spiders are less harmful to humans than Black Widows, however, their bite can still be extremely painful. Only the female bites.

What happens if a Steatoda Grossa ~ False Widow bites you?
Although False Widows do have a venomous bite, the venom is not particularly potent. Usually the only symptom is pain at the site which may radiate away from the bite. It ordinarily lasts between one and 12 hours, and rarely for more than 24 hours. Often, the symptoms are no worse than the pain of a wasp sting.

What to do if you find a Steatoda Grossa ~ False Widow?
If you do see a noble False Widow Spider, you can remove it by placing a glass or other receptacle over the top of them, and then sliding a piece of card under the container. Pick it up carefully and release it outside, preferably a little way away from the property if possible.

False Black Widow
Not all venomous spiders in Massachusetts are highly venomous. Some are only mildly venomous with mild reactions. The False Black Widow (Steatoda Grossa) is often mistaken for the Black Widow. It has a dark-colored body of brown nuances but without a red hourglass marking.

What Spider lives in Windowsills?
Small Dark Spider in Windowsill
Help a Spider
Rescue a Spider
Release Spider Outdoors
Massachusetts Spider
New England Spider
House Spider
Be kind to all kind
Spider Story


Video recorded in Bellingham Massachusetts ~ New England

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Thanks for watching,
Peace ~ Love and Joy
Always be humble ~ Always be kind
Brenda ~ NaturesFairy

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