Hero Showdown 1v1 Duels In 2024 Makes The Pain Go Away... (Battlefront 2)

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Thanks for watching! hope you all enjoyed it! thank you guys for 47,000 subs!
you guy are insane! Hero Showdown 1v1 Duels In 2024 Makes The Pain Go Away... (Battlefront 2)

CHANNEL MEMBERSHIP!    / @thejediconsular  

SECOND CHANNEL:    / @readingsforchrist  

Intro music: Everybody Remix.

Gameplay music: Dirty Androids Midnight Lady ,Sonic Mania Hard Boiled Heavies, Dedede's Royal Payback, Coda Drive Real Fast, Coda Tires On Fire.

Outro music: Jar Jar Binks song

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Hero Showdown
1v1 duels
Heroes vs villains
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Salty Players
Toxic Players

#starwars #battlefront2


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