Early Morning Adventures - BetaFPV Meteor85 Walksnail

Описание к видео Early Morning Adventures - BetaFPV Meteor85 Walksnail

This is just a single pack video, flown on a BetaFPV Meteor85 Walksnail edition.

The pack was a 550mAh GNB 2S HV pack and these packs gave me around 3.5 minutes of normal flying with a few punchouts. They're bigger than what BetaFPV recommend and the extra weight may have a bearing.

I found this to be much less floaty than the analogue version, the fact that this only has 2 blade props rather than the 4 blade props the analogue has will probably have something to do with it.

The Walksnail image is so much better than analogue though, you can have a look at the proximity flying video on the channel to see what analogue looks like on the Meteor85. This is much better, especially if you're flying close to stuff and need to see the detail.

I'm using a heavily modded VRX on a pair of Skyzone goggles. I am using two triple feed patches on the top connectors of the VRX and running two Foxeer omnis with long stems connected to SMAs on the 3D printed front panel to replace the internal patches. All of my antennas are also RHCP to match the rest of my fleet.

I hope you enjoyed this short one, and can see what a difference Walksnail has made to this quad.


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