Married To Mom -Recognize Hidden Redflags In A Relationship With A Mother Enmeshed Covert Narcissist

Описание к видео Married To Mom -Recognize Hidden Redflags In A Relationship With A Mother Enmeshed Covert Narcissist

Hi! My name is Michaela Bressel and I am the author of "Married To MOM" – Learning To Recognize Hidden Red-Flags In A Relationship With A Parent Enmeshed Covert Narcissist"

I was inspired to write my book about my process of realizing that the perfect image I had of my husband who I thought was my soulmate was just an illusion, a masterpiece of silent manipulation -
and I saw the need to raise awareness of a growing relationship issue that is camouflaged by love and kindness.
It can be a really great thing in a person’s life being close to a parent while enjoying a loving and healthy relationship with a spouse.

On the other hand there are some who have become too close and enmeshed with a narcissistic parent, usually starting early in their childhood, leading into becoming their a surrogate husband or wife.
Having been raised to serve the parent, some children adopt self-absorbing traits but become rather shy and quiet - known as a Covert Narcissists.

There is very little written about this type of personality as it is quite hard to detect, and there is even less to be found about Parent Enmeshment.
I invite you to discover the difference of Overt and Covert Narcissism, as well the signs to look for if a loved one is having a healthy and loving relationship to their parent, or if a spouse is actually a victim of Narcissism.
While the story in my book relates to a rather traditional setting of characters, the issues discussed are definitely transferrable to any other relationship gender combination.

This book is for you if you have had questions like
“Am I weird to feel jealous of his mom?”, or,
“Can I ever measure up to her Dad?“ or
”Am I too controlling if I think I should be my partner’s Number One?“.

I also recommend my book to anyone that is very close to one of their parents to see if their relationship is of healthy nature or if it is considered enmeshed.
And maybe it doesn’t concern you directly, but you know someone where you think they may be going through this, then this book may be able to help you with that.

This book includes research and insights from
Dr Kenneth Adams , a licensed psychologist and internationally recognized expert in trauma-induced intimacy disorders,
Life Coach and Best Selling Author - Lisa Romano who teaches about Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, and
Healing Coach Debbie Mirza, author of “The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist” who has been a great inspiration to me.
as well as a partial transcript from my personal journal, allowing you to follow some my journey through trials and tribulations as a wife, lost in her emotions.

I think the biggest message I want to convey to my readers is that there is hope. My last chapter provides some guidance towards solutions, healing and recovery as I want to lift you up, teach you to forgive those that have hurt you, and give you ambition and the desire for a new beginni g.

Michaela Bressel - the author of "Married To MOM" - Learning To Recognize hidden red-flags in a relationship with a Parent Enmeshed Covert Narcissist"


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