GFBR 2023: Pecha Kucha session

Описание к видео GFBR 2023: Pecha Kucha session

Pecha Kucha session from the first day of the Global Forum on Bioethics in Research 2023 on the topic 'Ethics of health research priority setting'. Pecha Kuchas are short 5 minute talks where the slides move automatically. They are intended to be informative and informal.

Chair: Phaik Yeong Cheah, Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Thailand

Empowering communities in research - a model for shared decision-making and research priority setting in a rural population during a public health emergency
Margaret Kaseje – Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development, Kenya

Ethical issues in relation to engagement and involvement of marginalized and vulnerable groups in setting health research priorities 2013-2018, Tanzania
Emmanuel Makundi – National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania

The ethics of the Philippine National Health Research System’s (PNHRS) 2017-2022 National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA)
Daphne Maza – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, Philippines

Consideration of values when setting research priorities: a value-oriented guidance tool for priority-setting exercises
Wim Pinxten – Hasselt University, Belgium

Conducting high priority research in over-researched communities in Pakistan: the ethical burden
Sualeha Siddiq – Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, Pakistan

Contribution of public universities to tackle leading causes of mortality in Ecuador: Evidence based on 100 years of scientific production
Ivan Sisa – Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Ecuador

Upholding autonomy and beneficence in research priority setting exercises in Ghana
Benedict Weobong – University of Ghana, Ghana


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