IHI Dynajet 2.6 micro gas turbine generator fully start up and shut down cycle at home.

Описание к видео IHI Dynajet 2.6 micro gas turbine generator fully start up and shut down cycle at home.

IHI AEROSPACE developed the world’s smallest portable gas turbine generator —the Dynajet 2.6. Its advantages include small size and light weight, quiet operation and low operating vibration, as well as
compatibility with kerosene oils having long storage life.
株式会社IHI AEROSPACE が、2002年に、小型,軽量,低騒音,超低振動,高電気品質,長期保管性に優れた灯油を利用可能といったメリットをもった世界最小の携帯用ガスタービン発電機ダイナジェット2.6 を商品化した.


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