PU Infrastructure| Regular faculties| Senate Elections| Upcoming Agendas| Vice Chancellor Exclusive|

Описание к видео PU Infrastructure| Regular faculties| Senate Elections| Upcoming Agendas| Vice Chancellor Exclusive|

"Students' protests should be token, but what they often do is occupy the space in front of the Vice Chancellor's office, have their meals and wash their clothes there itself , which degrades the value of Panjab University," stated Vice Chancellor Prof. Renu Vig in an exclusive conversation with PU Pulse.

PU Pulse's rapid-fire interview with the Vice Chancellor of Panjab University covered a spectrum of pressing issues.

When will the Senate elections be held? What about the infrastructure? Regular faculty? And major upcoming projects? Want to know all the answers?

The complete interview is a must watch , only on PU Pulse YouTube channel.

Anchoring by Anjali Kaushal

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