Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions

Описание к видео Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions

029 - Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions

Atoms or molecules combine to form a new compound in a synthesis reaction. Examples include the addition of oxygen to magnesium metal to create magnesium oxide and the addition of carbon dioxide to water to crete carbonic acid. A combine breaks down into new atoms or molecules in a decomposition reaction. Examples include the break down of sodium azide in a airbag or the break down of hydrogen peroxide in your cells. Decomposition reactions will often release heat as bonds are broken and new bonds are formed.

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Music Attribution
Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly

All of the images are licensed under creative commons and public domain licensing:
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Music Attribution
Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly

All of the images are licensed under creative commons and public domain licensing:

de.wikipedia, DaimlerChrysler AgOriginal uploader was Cete at. Deutsch: Phasenfoto Der Funktionsweise von Lenkrad-Airbag Und Gurtstraffer, 1981, June 21, 2006. Deutsch: Mediaseite der DaimlerChryslerAG.
———. Deutsch: Phasenfoto Der Funktionsweise von Lenkrad-Airbag Und Gurtstraffer, 1981, June 21, 2006. Deutsch: Mediaseite der DaimlerChryslerAG.
"File:Rust.rost.JPG." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed August 23, 2013.
fr.wikipedia, Original uploader was Nécropotame at. Français : Schémas de La Synthèse D'hydrogène et D'oxygène Par Électrolyse de L'eau, (original upload date). Transferred from fr.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Korrigan using CommonsHelper.
GOKLuLe. English: Crucible Tong, September 17, 2011. Own work.
Yossarian, Capt John. English: Photograph of a Burning Magnesium Ribbon with Very Short Exposure to Obtain Oxidation Detail., [object HTMLTableCellElement]. Own work.


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