[Webinar] The Journey Towards Personalized Anesthesia

Описание к видео [Webinar] The Journey Towards Personalized Anesthesia

This video is a recording of 'The Journey Towards Personalized Anesthesia' Webinar.

Hear 3 different clinicians give their perspectives on NOL monitoring, moderated by Professor of Anesthesiology, Dr Frank Overdyk (Charleston, SC):

00:00 Opening and Introductions – Dr. Frank Overdyk
08:57 Integrating NOL and pEEG to Optimise Anti-Nociception – Dr. Mark Barley (Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust, UK)
20:58 NOL in Enhanced Recovery after Bariatric Surgery and Beyond – Dr Roberta Monzani (Humanitas Research Hospital, Italy)
35:02 Personalized Anesthesia: The Surgeon’s Perspective – Dr Patrick Zardo (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH), Germany)
51:19 Q&A


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