This is my decluttering and minimalism journey

Описание к видео This is my decluttering and minimalism journey

Need help with your decluttering journey? I am your person!

I'm Sam and I'm the founder of Simply Clutter-Free.

I'm a 40 year old mom of 2 from Canada.

Welcome to my Channel!

I started this channel to help others. I used to be so stressed out and overwhelmed by my home.

I was spending hours on the weekend tidying, re-organizing, and trying to make all the clutter fit...

Instead of just getting rid of it all.

In 2016, I learned about The Minimalists - and that seemed to be the answer to my problems.

I just needed to declutter more!

But a key part of that lifestyle is not bringing in more clutter and becoming a more intentional consumer.

That went right over my head.

I spent years decluttering, decluttering, decluttering, but making no progress.

It was exhausting, frustrating and defeating.

And then I had my "rock bottom"...

I was making returns at a store not long before Christmas 2020, and the cashier said - "Oh, I can see you bought this at 2am..."

That's when I realized that I had a shopping problem.

This was a tough blow - because I'd grown up the daughter of a hoarder. I'd promised myself I'd never go down that road.

And though I had no issues with decluttering - which is often tough for hoarders. I obviously had a problem with controlling my impulsive spending.

Impulsive shopping is a behaviour often seen in people with ADHD - which I had been diagnosed with as an adult.

Ultimately I realized that I was never going to get ahead with my decluttering if I didn't stop mindless spending.

I decided I needed to change my behaviour.

I drastically reduced my shopping to only the real necessities and started decluttering my home.

I spent a full year decluttering at least 500 items a month. And I kept going.

With every layer of clutter that left my home - my life improved.

I have now reduced the total inventory of my home by over 8500 items and I'm still going.

I'm opening up and sharing my story - because I don't think I'm alone in these struggles.

If you can relate, or you even would just love to follow along for decluttering tips and motivation...hit the subscribe button.

Let's work together and motivate each other!

I'd like to take a moment to send a big thank you and shout out to Tim from the New Retired Me YouTube Channel.

   / @thenewretiredme  

I was recently one of two winners of his grant initiative for new YouTubers. I couldn't be more excited and grateful!

His community has welcomed me with open arms and has been incredibly supportive. I appreciate it.

Thank you for being here! ❤️

If you have any questions for me - let me know in the comments or share something about yourself - I'd love to get to know you. 😊


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