800 Values for New Era Humans

Описание к видео 800 Values for New Era Humans

A new era for humankind has begun on New Year’s Day of 2018 which will last for a millennium. The first thirty years will be a time for soul purification and the elimination of outdated consciousnesses. A large-scale purification will be necessary for humanity, mainly soul purification. Those consciousnesses which are not suitable for the needs of the new era will be eliminated. The following ten years will be the transition period – the traditional production and life modes will be replaced by new models. After that, we will enter a harmonious era when all religions, beliefs, schools of thought will unite as one, favorable weather will prevail throughout the year, and everyone will enjoy happy, joyous, free, and blessed lives. This new era will last till the end of the year 3017.

Humanity will soon enter the Lifechanyuan Era; the thousand-year new era is unveiling. The “800 Values for New Era Humans” reflects the essence of human wisdom; it not only points out the direction for human development, but also indicates the detailed ways to sublimate everyone’s LIFE. These values are grace bestowed by the Greatest Creator; they are the precious teachings of Gods, Buddhas, Celestial beings, and saints; the result of painstaking efforts made by ancient saints and sages, and reflect beautiful visions that humans have been dreaming of for ages.


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