邪教調查|香港攝理教調查運作細節曝光 設宿舍、配婚制 教二代叫銀河水|01偵查 x 隱形香港|JMS|葉萱 Maple Yip|鄭明析|攝理教|with English subtitle

Описание к видео 邪教調查|香港攝理教調查運作細節曝光 設宿舍、配婚制 教二代叫銀河水|01偵查 x 隱形香港|JMS|葉萱 Maple Yip|鄭明析|攝理教|with English subtitle



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香港攝理教調查|前教友剖白經歷 教會恐臥底潛入 曾令銷毀筆記
香港攝理教調查|大本營直擊 葉萱曾任股東 滲透學生組織20年
香港攝理教調查|異端邪教控制行為情緒 關注團體籲勿怪責受害人

HK01 Investigation: JMS in Hong Kong Ep2

The leader of the Korean Cult JMS, Jung Myung-seok, was previously imprisoned for sexual assault and is currently being tried for allegedly sexually assaulting a female member of the Church after his release. HK01 continues to investigate the details of JMS' operations in Hong Kong, including establishing separate male and female dormitories where multiple people share beds to facilitate 24-hour marathon prayers. Many of the JMS doctrines are also implemented in Hong Kong, including abstinence and a marriage arrangement that requires the approval of the Church leader before dating and marriage.

Former JMS member in Hong Kong, Maple Yip, reported Jung Myung-seok for sexual assault and was once followed to the airport. Journalists have contacted some people who followed her but have refused to respond.

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